I was born in 1970 and grew up in the city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. When I was 12, we moved to the suburbs and I started high school. At first, I had high hopes, but Grade 7 ended up being a very difficult year. Not only was I coping with my parents’ separation and trying to fit in at a new school, but it was also the year that I discovered just how cruel teenage girls could be. Basically, my first year of high school ended with me in tears, begging my mother to change schools. Hesitantly, she agreed and for me, it was a fresh start and also the beginning of a new chapter in my life. The year was 1983, I was 13 years old and suddenly, the soundtrack of my life changed dramatically. Duran Duran came into my life when I needed them most.

I saved my allowance and babysitting money and headed to the unchartered territory of the local record store. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they had already released not one, but two albums: the ground-breaking, self-titled debut Duran Duran (1981) and the brilliant Rio (1982). I bought them both, took them home and revelled in their magic. A few months after my obsession began; they released their third album, the atmospheric Seven and the Ragged Tiger (1983). That wasn’t enough for me, though. I was insatiable. I spent my weekends hunting down rare import singles and 12” long-versions. They had opened a portal to a world that I longed to embrace; a world where riveting melodies collided with surrealist lyrics, a world of boundless joy that soothed my teenage soul.
I watched every video show televised in Canada: Video Hits, Good Rockin' Tonite, Friday Night Videos, praying that the Fab Five would make an appearance. I anxiously awaited each new issue of BOP!, Tiger Beat, Teen Beat, Smash Hits, etc. I bought every book or fanzine on Duran Duran that I could find. My bedroom walls (including the ceiling) were adorned with Duran Duran posters. I was the only one of my friends to own Sing Blue Silver & Arena and I watched them over and over. I wrote fan-fiction (back in the days when I didn’t even know it was called fan-fiction) about them that was so popular at my high school that I had to make loads of photocopies every time I wrote a new chapter. Kids who I didn’t even know would approach me in the hall to ask when the next chapter would be out.
Over the next few years, they continued to influence me in many ways. I coloured my hair because of them, wore jazz shoes, emulated Simon Le Bon’s dance moves and generally took a keen interest in anything they talked about or recommended. For instance, I doubt that I would have ever watched the sci-fi cult classic Barbarella (1968) if it weren’t for Duran Duran. I read Voltaire because of the song Last Chance on the Stairway. I discovered the world of Andy Warhol because of Nick Rhodes.

I truly believe that I would not be the person that I am today if it weren’t for them. If it hadn't been for Duran Duran, would I have learned to express myself through clothing and attitude and delved into the world of youth subcultures? Would I have developed such a passion for music? Would I have become an avid reader of thought-provoking literature? Would I have started keeping a journal, writing poetry and short stories? Would I have started going to museums and art galleries on a regular basis while most other teenagers were hanging out at the mall? Would I have attended drama school? Would I have taken singing lessons? Would I have had the courage to travel on my own and to live abroad? The list of ways that they changed my life is endless and the answer to all of these questions is a resounding NO!

At the beginning of the new millennium, when the original five members announced that were getting back together, I was totally stoked. I absolutely loved the album Astronaut (2004) which was the only album that they released as the reformed original five. This was my chance to finally see the original line-up that had been such a huge part of my formative years! I was living in Japan in 2005 and I bought VIP tickets to their show in Fukuoka. Sadly, Roger Taylor injured his foot and the Japanese tour was cancelled. Needless to say, I was thoroughly gutted.
Fast forward to 2011… Duran Duran re-entered my life at a time when, once again, I needed them most. It wasn’t the first time that I took out my Duran Duran vinyl collection (of course, I own their entire discography on CD and have uploaded everything to iTunes, but there's nothing like the sound of vinyl) and gave it a spin. It wasn't the first time that I took the old videos off the shelf and watched them. It wasn't the first time that I delved into all the old books and posters and clippings. The simple fact that I've kept all of these things over the years says a lot about how much I will always cherish this band. They’re not just a band; they’re like old friends who are always there for you when you need them the most. I was inspired by their latest album, All You Need is Now, because they have truly returned to their roots with this one and it reminded me how much I love them.

After that show, I re-activated my long dormant Twitter account and started following Simon Le Bon and John Taylor. I can’t begin to explain the thrill of being in (kind of) direct contact with these men who have had such a profound impact on my life. My fascination with Simon, the charismatic frontman who has always been my favourite member, is just as strong now as it was almost 30 years ago. I’ve been bitten by the Duran Duran bug all over again and this time, it’s for good! My life is simply better with them in it. Not only have I re-connected with my favourite band, but I have connected with so many wonderful Duranies in the last year and a half. They have become an integral part of my life and I am grateful to have made such incredible friends. Their love and support means the world to me. I can't believe that I am finally going to get to meet some of my new friends very soon...
A few months before leaving Korea, I found out that Duran Duran would be returning to North America shortly after my planned return. I decided that I was going to attend as many shows as possible. I am going to four shows on this last leg of the All You Need is Now Tour, will be visiting seven American cities (six of which I've never been to) and will be meeting up with friends, old and new alike, along the way. I’m leaving in less than a week and my first show, in Memphis, is in one week from today! Needless to say, I’m incredibly stoked about what I’m calling my Great American Duranadventure!
Today is Duran Duran Appreciation Day. I hope that what I've written explains, to a certain degree, why I appreciate them so very much. I'd like to dedicate this blog entry to Friends of Mine. You know who you are...